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Ford Focus Faulty ignition (2000-2003).

Does your Ford Focus ignition have one or more of the following problems:

  • Difficulty in turning the key in the ignition.
  • Sticking ignition.
  • Key is dirty after removing or turning.
  • Unable to remove the key.
  • Key locked in a position.
  • Key will no longer turn the ignition.

Unfortunately, this is a common problem. The Ford Focus sidebar ignition cannot be repaired and must be replaced. The problem with faulty Ford Focus ignitions has resulted in a class action lawsuit on behalf of California residents who “either own or lease a Ford Focus, or who have paid to repair or replace an ignition lock in a Ford Focus.”

We replace your broken Ford Focus ignition with a quality replacement product from Strattec that is designed without the problem components. If you use the use other products they have the same design faults and the lock may fail again. Also, we key the lock to match your door locks so you don’t have to carry two keys for your car.

If your ignition is just starting to give you problems call us now to save money and headaches.

The cost for our mobile automotive locksmith to remove, rekey and replace the Ford Focus ignition is $225-$295 (+ tax).

Locked out of Bathroom?

For a door that has a privacy lock (the kind with a hole in the knob on the outside), keep a tool handy that will open this door if it is locked by your toddler with you on the outside and your toddler on the inside. The tool can be made from a piece of coat hanger or a metal skewer from the kitchen drawer or the inside of a ballpoint pen. Kept handy, it could save you from considerable anxiety and frustration trying to get a toddler to unlock the door. Put tool straight into the hole in the knob.

The tool will stop approximately 1 inch to 1½ inside the knob.

Gently but firmly push the tool just a little bit, approximately ¼ inch (you are pushing the spring loaded release button).

You should hear a “pop” or “clunk” as the lock unlocks.

Turn handle. Again, if the bathroom lock has a round hole take a wire coat hanger and bend it straight. Stick it directly in the hole (straight and level) and feel for a springy button… when you feel it, simply push and it should release the lock. If this is not successful, make sure the tool is level and is dead center, or call me for help.

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